Non-Title IV-D Employees and Contractors must have a Penn State account to access and complete the Security Awareness Training (SAT) and other public training.
If you’ve completed SAT after 2015, you already have a Penn State account. You may use those credentials to log in and complete the current training. You may contact the PACSETI Help Desk for assistance if you don’t remember your credentials.
If you don’t have a Penn State account, review the User Registration article to register with Penn State and the PACSETI website.
Once you’ve completed the registration process and received your verification email, you may log into the PACSETI website with your assigned credentials. The current SAT link will display on your dashboard until you complete the training.
If you are affiliated with a county DRS or contracted work unit:
- Access the SAT on your Dashboard.
- Complete all SAT topics.
- Acknowledge that you’ve reviewed all the required forms associated with SAT to achieve completion.
*Auditors should affiliate with their assigned county(s).
You will be logged in as a Guest if you are not affiliated with a county DRS or contracted work unit. Access the Security Awareness Training and other public training from the guest Dashboard. You must complete all SAT topics and acknowledge that you’ve reviewed all the required forms associated with Security Awareness Training to achieve completion.