Terminate Employee

To terminate one employee:

On the Manage Employees page, click the Action arrow for the desired employee.

The Manage [Employee Name] page opens.

Click Terminate.

The Terminate Employee confirmation popup displays.

Click Terminate.

A green banner displays on the Manage Employees page stating that the employee(s) have been terminated.

To terminate more than one employee:

On the Manage Employees page, click the check boxes next to the desired employees.

Click Terminate.

The Terminate Employee confirmation popup displays.

Click Terminate.

A green banner displays on the Manage Employees page stating that the employee(s) have been terminated.

Terminate Guest User Account

  1. On the Manage Employees page Select Guests in the Display drop-down.
  2. Find the user you want to terminate and Click Action.
  1. A pop-up box will display the users information. Select Terminate.
  1. A green highlighted confirmation will appear.